Working with Ticketing Custom Attributes


This document outlines how to create custom ticket attributes in the Admin tool.


This how-to article will help administrators to understand custom ticketing attributes and create and manage them using the TDAdmin. The user must have TDAdmin access.


Custom ticket attributes are fields that can be added to ticket forms in a Ticketing Application to capture virtually any data you desire or need to capture.

Custom Attribute Fields

There are a variety of fields which can be configured to tailor ticketing attributes as needed. Each of these options should be provided as follows:

  • Name – Appears in standard detail pages and forms.
  • Header Text – Used when included as a column in ticket reports.
  • Attribute Type – Affects the values that can be provided, as well as how the field will appear to the user. This cannot be edited once the custom attribute has been saved.
    Currently, the following types of attributes are supported in TeamDynamix.
    • Asset
    • Checkbox List
    • Color
    • Configuration Item
    • Date Picker
    • Date/Time Picker
    • Dropdown (100 character limit, each choice)
    • Location
    • Location and Room
    • Multiselect (100 character limit, each choice)
    • Person
    • Radio Button List – Horizontal
    • Radio Button List – Vertical
    • Text Area (4,000 character limit)
    • Text Box (4,000 character limit)
    • Yes/No Dropdown
  • Sort Order – Displays the order of the fields with respect to other active ticket attributes.
  • Description/Help – Summarizes the attribute's purpose.
  • Options – Configuration settings for how the attribute will behave in a form. These work as follows:
    • Required – Whether or not the attribute must have a value provided when used in a ticket form.
    • Updatable – Whether or not the attribute will be editable when updating a ticket.
    • Active – Determines whether or not the attribute is active. Only active attributes will be used in forms when creating tickets.
    • Client Visible – Whether or not the attribute will be visible when it is present on a ticket AND the ticket is viewed on the Client Portal.
    • Protected – Whether or not this attribute has visibility protections. If it does, additional configuration and a PIN number is required to view the attribute values. Protected attributes cannot be deleted.
  • Associated Type(s) – Ticket types associated with the attribute. Not selecting any ticket types will associate the attribute with all ticket types. Selecting ticket types to associate the attribute with will only associate the attribute with those choices. 

Adding Ticketing Custom Attributes

To create custom ticket attributes for a Ticketing Application:

  1. In TDAdmin, click Applications in the left navigation.
  2. Select the desired Ticketing Application.
  3. Click Attributes in the left navigation.
  4. On the Ticket Attributes page, click the +New button.
  5. In the New Ticket Attribute window, fill out the required and optional fields.
  6. Click the Save button.

To edit an existing custom ticketing attribute, click the desired attribute Name on the Ticket Attributes page. The attribute type cannot be edited. It can only be selected when creating the attribute.

Deleting Ticketing Attributes

Note that protected attributes cannot be deleted. Deleting a ticket attribute is prevented if it is in use on a form.

To delete custom ticket attributes:

  1. In TDAdmin, click Applications in the left navigation.
  2. Select the desired Ticketing Application.
  3. Click Attributes in the left navigation.
  4. On the Ticket Attributes page, click the Delete link at the right end of the desired attribute row.
  5. Click the OK button in the confirmation popup.

Managing Ticketing Attribute Choices

Adding Ticket Attribute Choices

If you have a custom ticket attribute that is a dropdown, multiselect, radio buttons, or checkbox list, you may add choices for the attribute.

To add custom ticket attribute choices for a Ticketing Application:

  1. In TDAdmin, click Applications in the left navigation.
  2. Select the desired Ticketing Application.
  3. Click Attributes in the left navigation.
  4. On the Ticket Attributes page, click the desired attribute Name.
  5. In the Edit Ticket Attribute window, scroll down to the Choices section.
  6. Type a new choice name in the text box, then click the Add button.
  7. Click Save.

Editing Ticket Attribute Choices

When editing, you can update the name of the choice and the order in which it should display.

  1. In TDAdmin, click Applications in the left navigation.
  2. Select the desired Ticketing Application.
  3. Click Attributes in the left navigation.
  4. On the Ticket Attributes page, click the desired attribute Name.
  5. In the Edit Ticket Attribute window, scroll down to the Choices section.
  6. Click the Edit link at the right end of the desired choice row.
  7. Change the choice text or the order.
  8. Click the Save link.

Deleting Ticket Attribute Choices

  1. In TDAdmin, click Applications in the left navigation.
  2. Select the desired Ticketing Application.
  3. Click Attributes in the left navigation.
  4. On the Ticket Attributes page, click the desired attribute Name.
  5. In the Edit Ticket Attribute window, scroll down to the Choices section.
  6. Click the Delete link at the right end of the desired choice row.
  7. Click OK in the confirmation popup.



Article ID: 3867
Thu 2/5/15 2:17 PM
Thu 1/23/25 5:58 PM