This getting started article will help administrators or application administrators to create Ticket Types in the Ticketing application. The user must have the TDAdmin or application administrator access.
TeamDynamix offers many ways to categorize ticketing data, including by ticket type and type category. These categorizations help classify the nature of the ticket being created. Type Category is used to help categorize Ticket types that are the same “theme” or “department.” One thing to keep in mind with configuration around Ticket Types is they are internal values to TDNext and Technician views. These are non-client facing values.
Where to Find This
Creating a Ticket Type
To create a new ticket type within a Ticketing Application:
- In TDAdmin, click Applications in the left navigation.
- Select the desired Ticketing Application.
- Click Types in the left navigation.
- Click the +New button.
- In the Type window, select a Category for the new ticket type.
- Enter a Name for the ticket type.
- Configure these remaining ticket type settings as desired:
- Primary Reviewer – The person or group who will first encounter a ticket (if unassigned upon creation) to ensure it gets triaged appropriately.
- Active Status – Marking a ticket type as inactive means that users will not be able to create new tickets of that type. This has no effect on any tickets that have already been created with that type. In addition, users will still be able to select deactivated types for reporting purposes.
- Notification of primary reviewer of new ticket types – If you choose to notify the primary reviewer, you must select a primary reviewer.
- Notification of responsible resource(s) when all tasks are complete - This works for both individual or group assignment. For tickets of this type with this setting active and a specific user assignment you will see this active function displayed on the ticket under the "My Alerts" tab. For group assigned tickets there is no display on the ticket indicating this alert is active.
- Workspace – When a workspace is selected on a Ticket Type, any time entered on tickets of this ticket type will be applied not only to the ticket itself, but also toward the selected Workspace.
- Notify other email addresses
- Default SLA – If a type is assigned a default SLA, all tickets that are not created through a custom form will be assigned to this SLA by default. However, when creating a ticket through the Ticketing Application, users who have the Change Service Level Agreements of Tickets permission will be able to choose the SLA from a list.
- Click the Save button.
- Navigate to the additional tabs to fully configure the Ticket Type
- Time Types - select the time types that should be available on tickets of this type and select Add
- Expense Accounts - select Expense Accounts that should be available on tickets of this type and select Add
- Groups - if creation of tickets of this type should be limited to certain groups select the appropriate groups and permissions
Editing a Ticket Type
To modify or edit the options on a ticket type, navigate to the Ticketing Application > Types page, and click the Name of the ticket type to edit.
Deleting a Ticket Type
You cannot delete a ticket type if there are any tickets, services, or email monitors associated with it.
To delete a ticket type from within a Ticketing Application:
- In TDAdmin, click Applications in the left navigation.
- Select the desired Ticketing Application.
- Click Types in the left navigation.
- On the Types list, locate the desired type and click the Delete link at the far right end of the row.
- Click the Delete button.
- Confirm the deletion in the popup.
Categorizing Tickets: Type Categories, Ticket Types, and Services
TeamDynamix offers many ways to categorize ticketing data for reporting:
- Type category
- Ticket type
- Form
- Service category
- Service
- Service Offering
- Custom attributes you define
Defining your categorization data is also closely aligned to building your service catalog.
Best Practices for Ticket Types and Type Categories
Type categories are often aligned with high-level organizational structure especially when TeamDynamix is used for Enterprise Service Management. For example, a Type Category may be created for each department using a ticket app such as "Information Technology", "Human Resources", or "Financial Services".
Ticket types should be created as needed based on the functionality outlined above. For example, if a different Reviewer, different time types, or group permissions are needed a new ticket type should be created.
Reassociating Tickets from One Type to Another
Use with caution, this action cannot be undone.
Administrators can reassociate all tickets of a particular type to another type. This is especially useful when trying to delete a ticket type, as a ticket type cannot be deleted if there are existing tickets of that type.
Note that if you were to change a ticket’s type, the SLAs and Task templates applied prior to the change will remain active. Any SLAs or Task Templates associated with the new ticket type will not be applied.
Also, once you reassociate tickets from one type to another, this cannot be undone. Ensure that you choose the correct types when performing this action.
To reassociate all tickets of one type to a new ticket type:
- In TDAdmin, click Applications in the left navigation.
- Select the desired Ticketing Application.
- Click Types in the left navigation.
- Click the title link of the Ticketing application that you’d like to reassociate in the Reassociate from Type field.
- Select the ticket type you would like the affected tickets to be reassociated to in the To Type field.
- ​Click the OK button when asked to confirm that you want to reassociate tickets from the old type to the new one.
Gotchas and Pitfalls
- When a user changes a ticket's type the SLAs applied prior to the change will remain active. Any SLAs associated with the new ticket type will not be applied.
- If using the "Notification of responsible resource(s) when all tasks are complete" setting: once the alert notification for tasks completed is served on a ticket the alert is removed from that ticket. Meaning if all tasks are completed and a notification goes out then another task is added after the alert goes out the alert will not apply to those subsequent tasks. You would need to manually add the alert again for an individual on the "My Alerts" tab or edit the ticket type to a different type and return it to the original type to 'reset' the alert.