Project Settings Sections


This concepts article describes the settings that are available for modification on a project using the TDNext interface.


This article describes the settings that are available on a project. These settings are set based on the Project Type, and can be changed by a project manager in the Settings page of the project.

Client Portal Visibility

  • This project will be visible to all users, even those that are not logged in.
  • This project will only be visible to logged in users.
  • This project will only be visible to logged in users who are on the project or are listed as stakeholders.

This setting determines if the project will display in the client portal. Projects displayed in the client portal allow people outside of the project team to learn about the project.

Time and Expense Approval

  • Time and expenses should be approved by the project manager.
  • Time and expenses should be approved by the individual's manager.

This setting determines who will approve time and expenses for the project, and should be set based on how the project is organized.

Update Task Method

  • Users set % complete when updating tasks.
  • Users set remaining hours when updating tasks.

This setting determines whether task updates use Percent Complete or Remaining Hours to track progress. 

Resource Management

  • Manage by Project
  • Manage by Plan

This setting determines how the system defines a user's allocation.

Managing by Project indicates that the hours set when assigning a resource to the project will be deducted from the resource's capacity. Typically, Manage By Project is appropriate when a detailed project plan is not available or not needed. Optionally, you can start a project as Manage By Project and then switch to Manage By Plan once a detailed WBS and schedule has been established.

Managing by Plan indicates that resources' availability will reduced based on the estimated hours for the tasks they are assigned to.

Resource Schedule Editing

  • Allow resource pool managers to edit schedules
  • Allow resource pool managers to request schedule changes but require managers to approve edits
  • Do not allow resource pool managers to edit schedules

If resource requests are used, this setting will determine how much control the resource pool manager has over the request.


  • Update the start date, end date, and estimated hours based on the projects plan(s).
    • This option will shift the start date, end date, and estimated hours based upon the dates and hours that have been entered into this specific project's WBS.
  • Add all new project members to the project contact list.
    • This option allows members of the project to be automatically added to the contacts list.
  • Allow project-level time entry.
    • This option allows resources to add time to this project as a whole vs leaving this de-selected, which would force users to log time against specific tasks within this project's plan.
  • Notify me when the assigned hours for plans exceed the scheduled hours for this project.
    • This allows the manager of the project to be notified if the hours that have been assigned in the project plan have exceeded the hours that were scheduled overall for this specific project.
  • Notify me when the estimated hours for plans exceed the estimated hours for this project.
    • This allows the manager of the project to be notified if the hours that have been estimated in the project plan have exceeded the hours that were estimated overall for this specific project.


These settings determine whether the related components are active for this project.

  • Announcements
  • Briefcase
  • Calendar
  • Contacts
  • Issues
  • Links
  • Risks Register
  • Plans
  • User Stories

Project Sections

These settings determine which project sections are active for this project. The active sections are determined by the Project Type but can be overridden on each project if the user has the Manage Project/Request Sections permission. 

  • Custom Attributes
  • Goals
  • Systems Affected
  • Related Processes
  • Organizational Risks
  • Benefits
  • Files
  • Expenses
  • Returns
  • Role Forecasts
  • Resources
  • Score Card
  • Stakeholders
  • Milestones

Time Types

This section allows the project manager to choose which time types are available to users on the project when they enter time.



Article ID: 3723
Wed 2/4/15 4:30 PM
Thu 1/16/25 3:54 PM

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