Submitting Project Requests


This how-to article will help users create, submit, and view Project Requests using the Client Portal and TDNext interfaces.


Project requests are created in the client portal. When they've been created and submitted, they will be reviewed by the project request evaluator in TeamDynamix. 

Creating and Submitting a Request

To create a project request in the client portal, the user must:

  1. In the Client Portal, search for or navigate to a service that allows creating a project request. 
  2. Click the button to request the service. By default this button text is "Request Service", but it may have been customized to say something else.
  3. The project request form will display. Fill in the required fields and any optional fields that are relevant. 
  4. Click Save at the top of the page. The Request Created Successfully page will display.
  5. Click Review and submit this request to view the unsubmitted request and provide additional information. 
  6. Incomplete sections will display in the left navigator. For each incomplete section, follow these steps:
    1. Click the section to review what information it is requesting. 
    2. If there is relevant information to add, add it in the section. 
    3. Click Save to save your work. 
    4. Click Mark Complete to verify the section is completed. 
  7. Click the "Review and Submit" tab and then the "Submit for Review" or "Mark Complete and Submit" button at the top.
  8. After the request has been submitted for the review, it will no longer be editable in the client portal.

Finding Your Created Requests

After the user finishes creating a request, if they don't want to submit it yet they can save the section they are currently working on and close the window. To return to a saved project request the user must:

  1. Go to the Services section of the client portal.
  2. Click the sub-navigation link for Project Requests.
  3. Find the request you wish to re-open.
  4. Continue working on the request.

Users can also find submitted requests by viewing the Project Requests page. 

Creating a Project Request from TDNext

To create a project request from the Portfolio Planning application in TDNext, click +New > Project Request. A Project Request form will open in a new window in the client portal. From here, follow the steps above.