Working with the Briefcase


This introduction article will help Technicians to understand and use the Briefcase feature in TeamDynamix.


This introduction article will help Technicians to understand and use the Briefcase feature in TeamDynamix. The user must have the TDNext settings inTDAdmin, as well as proper permission for the Application containing the Briefcase feature (e.g., Projects, Portfolios, etc.).


The Briefcase gives project team members the ability to add and share files and folders. Specifically, the briefcase allows for files to be uploaded to relative projects, portfolios, etc. without needing to create a ticket. By uploading to a project briefcase, for example, it become obvious the file is related to said project.

Where to Find This

This feature appears in the TDNext interface.

TDAdmin is where the Briefcase feature is created and configured, TDNext is where Technicians use the Briefcase to access cloud storage sites for file access.

Using the Briefcase

Default Folders

Each project briefcase comes with three default folders:

  1. My Checked Out File
  2. My Files
  3. My Recent Files

When accessing a briefcase, the My Recent Files will open by default.

Adding Files to the Briefcase

To add files to the notifications:

  1. In TDNext, open the Projects application.
  2. Click the appropriate Project in the left navigation.
  3. From the left sub navigation, click Briefcase.
  4. In the Folders list, click the title of the folder in which you’d like to add a file.
  5. Click +New at the top of the briefcase list and select the source where the file will be added from.
  6. In the New File window, click Browse to locate and select the file.
  7. Fill in the Notification and Comments fields if desired.
  8. Click the Upload button in the New File window.
  9. In the File Added Successfully window, click Close this window or Add another file.

Updating Files Using Check In and Check Out

When you want to upload an updated version of a file, check it out to prevent other users from making changes. This ensures that project members cannot overwrite each other’s work, or do not become confused by multiple versions of a document. Then you can upload an updated copy of the file and check it in.

Checking in a file will add the file to the briefcase as a new version. The location of the file will not change, only the name (possibly) and version number. Users will be able to download the new version as well as view all previous versions in the Revisions tab.

Undoing a check out will leave the previous version of the document in the briefcase as opposed to adding your new version as a new revision.

To upload a new version of a file:

  1. In TDNext, open the Projects application.
  2. Click the appropriate Project in the left navigation.
  3. From the left sub navigation, click Briefcase.
  4. In the Folders list, click the title of the folder which contains the file you’d like to check out.
  5. In the File Details window, click the Actions button and select Check Out from the dropdown.

Other users will see that the file is checked out, and they cannot add a new version of the file until you either check it in or undo your check out.

  1. Make the updates to the file.
  2. When the updated file is ready, return to the File Details window.
  3. Click the Actions button and select Check In.
  4. In the Check In File window, select the updated file.
  5. To send a message about the update to project members, add them to the Select Users to Notify Field.
  6. Add a Description if desired and click the Upload button.

In the File Detail window, the status of the file will now display as Available.

Copying Files

To copy a file from one project briefcase folder to another:

  1. In TDNext, open the Projects application.
  2. Click the appropriate Project in the left navigation.
  3. From the left sub navigation, click Briefcase.
  4. In the Folders list, click the title of the folder which contains the file you’d like to copy.
  5. Click the title of the file you’d like to copy.
  6. In the File Detail window, the status of the file will display Available.
  7. Click the Actions button and select Copy from the dropdown.
  8. In the Select a Folder window, click the title of the folder to which you’d like the file to be copied.
  9. Click Select at the top of the Select a Folder window, then click OK in the confirmation popup.

Creating Folders

To create a new folder or sub-folder in the briefcase:

  1. In TDNext, open the Projects application.
  2. Click the appropriate Project in the left navigation.
  3. From the left sub navigation, click Briefcase.
    1. To create a new folder, click the +New button at the top of the briefcase list.
    2. To create a sub-folder, click the folder in which you’d like to create the sub-folder, then click the +New button at the top of the briefcase list.
  4. Select Folder from the dropdown.
  5. Enter a title in the field, then press Enter.

Downloading Folders or Files to Your Computer

To download files or folders to your computer:

  1. In TDNext, open the Projects application.
  2. Click the appropriate Project in the left navigation.
  3. From the left sub navigation, click Briefcase.
    1. To download folders from the briefcase to your computer:
      1. In the Folders list, click the title of the folder you’d like to download.
      2. Click Download Folder at the top of the briefcase list.
      3. Click OK in the confirmation popup.
    2. To download files from the briefcase to your computer:
      1. In the Folders list, click the title of the folder which contains the file you’d like to download.
      2. Click the title of the file, then click Download in the File Detail window.
      3. Click OK in the confirmation popup.

Forwarding Files

To forward files from the briefcase to an email address:

  1. In TDNext, open the Projects application.
  2. Click the appropriate Project in the left navigation.
  3. From the left sub navigation, click Briefcase.
  4. In the Folders list, click the title of the folder which contains the file you’d like to forward.
  5. Click the title of the file you’d like to forward.
  6. Click the Actions button in the File Detail window and select Forward from the dropdown.
  7. Enter the recipient’s email address, an optional message and click the Send button.
  8. Click Select at the top of the Select a Folder window, then click OK in the confirmation popup.

Deleting Briefcase Files

To delete a file:

  1. In TDNext, open the Projects application.
  2. Click the appropriate Project in the left navigation.
  3. From the left sub navigation, click Briefcase.
  4. In the Folders list, click the title of the folder which contains the file you’d like to delete.
  5. Click the title of the file you’d like to delete, then click the Actions button and select Delete from the dropdown.
  6. Click OK in the confirmation popup.

Deleting Folders

This will delete the folder, its files, all subfolders, and all files in the subfolders. Proceed with caution, as this action cannot be undone.

To delete a folder and ALL of its contents:

  1. In TDNext, open the Projects application.
  2. Click the appropriate Project in the left navigation.
  3. From the left sub navigation, click Briefcase.
  4. In the Folders list, click the title of the folder you’d like to delete.
  5. Click Folder Actions at the top of the briefcase list and select Delete Folder from the dropdown.
  6. Click OK in the confirmation popup.

Closing A Project With Briefcase Files

  1. If there are files in the project Briefcase that users will continue to need access to, please take action before closing the project:
    1. On the Close Project page, click Go To Briefcase
    2. Select a Folder to view its files
    3. Right click on a file and select Details
    4. Click Actions > Add to File Cabinet
    5. Repeat steps 2 – 4 for all files/folders in the project that you wish to preserve in the File Cabinet


Technicians can use the Briefcase to upload files and folders related to Applications within TDNext. This includes:

  • Projects
  • Portfolios



Article ID: 3531
Mon 2/2/15 3:19 PM
Thu 11/7/24 9:23 PM