Working with Project Contacts


This how-to article will help project managers and team members to add project contacts using their project in the TDNext.


This how-to article will help project managers and team members to add project contacts using their project in the TDNext. The user must have Projects application access in TDNext in order to add Contacts.


 Adding Contacts is a very helpful way to keeping record of users outside of the project. These contacts cannot interact with the project; however it gives the project team a reference point in case they are trying to get the information about a user such as a vendor who does not have access to TeamDynamix.

Adding a New Contact to a Project

You can add new contact members to your projects.

To add a new contact:

  1. In TDNext, open the Projects application.
  2. Click the appropriate Project in the left navigation, then click Contacts.
  3. Click the New Contact button at the top of the Contact Detail window.
    1. To choose an existing person to add as a contact:
      1. Click the appropriate link in the New Contact popup window.
      2. Select the project to which you would like to add the contact from the Project/Workspace dropdown.
      3. Fill in the required and optional fields.
      4. In the Person textbox, enter the name of the person you’d like to add as a contact, then click the Lookup button.
      5. Click the Save button at the top of the New Contact popup window.
    2. To create a new contact:
      1. Click the appropriate link in the New Contact popup window.
      2. Select the project to which you would like to add the contact from the Project/Workspace dropdown.
      3. Fill in the required and optional fields.
      4. Click the Save button at the top of the New Contact popup window.

Editing a Contact

To edit a contact:

  1. In TDNext, open the Contacts application.
  2. In the Contacts Detail window, click the Name link of the contact whose details you’d like to edit.
  3. Click the Edit button at the top of the Person Detail popup window.
  4. Modify the contact information, then click the Save button at the top of the Edit person popup window.

Viewing My Favorite Contacts

The Contacts application records the number of times you view your contact's details.

To view your favorite contacts:

  1. In TDNext, navigate to Applications > Contacts.
  2. Click the My Favorites dropdown in the left navigation.

Your 8 most viewed contacts, in order of the most viewed, will display in the left navigation.

Viewing My Recently Viewed Contacts

To view your recently viewed contacts:

  1. In TDNext, navigate to Applications > Contacts.
  2. Click the Recently Viewed dropdown in the left navigation.

Your last 8 viewed contacts will display in the left navigation.

Searching for a Contact or Person

You can search through their contacts quickly using the dynamic search options built into the People application.

To search for a contact:

  1. In TDNext, navigate to Applications > People.
  2. Fill out the desired fields then click the Search button at the top of the People Detail window.

Viewing a Person's Profile

To view the details of a person’s profile:

  1. In TDNext, navigate to Applications > People.
  2. Search for the contact whose details you’d like to view, then click the Name link in the People Detail window.

The contact’s details will display in the Person Detail popup window.

Viewing the Contact List

To view your list of contacts:

  • In TDNext, navigate to Applications > Contacts.


  1. In TDNext, navigate to Applications > Projects.
  2. Click the appropriate Project in the left navigation.
  3. From the left sub navigation, click Contacts.

Gotchas & Pitfalls

  • Adding a Contact does not mean that the Contact can view the project
  • Users on the project team will not be able to use a Contact to add them to project updates or comments.
  • If the Project Manager hides the Contact field on the project, then other team members will not be able to see the actual Contacts field
  • Using a Contact as a reference point with someone outside of the organization such as a third party vendor or a contractor working on the same project.



Article ID: 3492
Mon 2/2/15 2:53 PM
Thu 11/7/24 9:23 PM