Finding an Approved Project Request


This how-to article will help Project Managers to locate an approved project request using the TDNext interface.


This how-to article will help Project Managers to locate an approved project request using the TDNext interface.


A project approved through the project request process will not show in a user's management console either because it has not been staffed and converted to a project yet, or because the project has not yet been activated.

Projects created through project request may be set to inactive and must be activated by the user set as the project's manager.

If your request has not been staffed and converted to a project, contact the request's reviewer to check the status or enter a comment on the request's feed.

Activating a Project Request

To activate an inactive project, the project manager should:

  1. Navigate to TDNext > ApplicationsProjects.
  2. Click the Manage Projects link in the left navigation.
  3. Select the Inactive filter option in the Manage Projects display window.
  4. Click the Search button at the top of the window.
  5. Click the project Name link in the results list.
  6. In the Project Details window, click the Actions button, then select Activate from the dropdown.
  7. Close the Project Details window.
  8. Click the Refresh link in the Projects toolbar.

The activated project will now appear in your list of projects in the Projects application and has been added to your list of active projects in the left navigation pane.

Setting All Projects to Active by Default

If project requests need to be activated once approved and staffed, be aware that there is a configuration setting that can change the default for all staffed project requests to create projects in an active state. 

To set the default for all to be active, a TeamDynamix administrator should do the following:

  1. Navigate to TDAdmin > Portfolio Planning > Settings
  2. Check the box Convert requests to active projects by default
  3. Click Save