Bill Rate Report



The Bill Rate Report is located within TDNext, in the Analysis application, under the Standard Reports section. This report shows the average bill rate, billable hours, approved billable hours and total bill amount for billable time reported in the specified date range, broken down by month. The report is driven by any billable time that is entered against a ticket, task, issue, or via the Time and Expense application. Time does not have to be submitted as final to be included in this report, only entered.

There are four ways to run this report

  1. For everyone within your company - Leave the "Person 1" and "Person 2" fields blank
  2. For a single person - Select a person for the "Person 1" field, but leave the "Person 2" field blank
  3. To compare one person's bill rate to the company's bill rate - Select a person for the "Person 2" field, but leave the "Person 1" field blank
  4. To compare one person's bill rate to another person's bill rate - Select a person for both the "Person 1" and "Person 2" fields

The table results will be different based upon how you run the report.

If you run the report

  1. For everyone within your company - The table will display data for the entire organization. 
  2. For a single person - The table will display data for the person specified in the "Person 1" field.


  • Average Bill Rate = (Bill Amount) / (Billable Hours)
  • Bill Amount = (Average Bill Rate) x (Billable Hours)



Article ID: 3412
Fri 1/30/15 4:12 PM
Tue 10/10/23 4:11 PM