Profit Report



This report displays the approved hours, approved billable hours, billable amount, cost amount, average bill rate, profit for the date range specified, broken down by month or projects/tickets. The report is driven by any approved billable hours against a ticket, task, issue, or any time entered via the Time and Expense application. Time will need to have been entered, submitted as final, then approved to be included in this report.

Where to Find This

The Profit Report is located within TDNext, in the Analysis application, under the Standard Reports section.

Using the Profit Report

There are two ways to run this report

  1. For everyone within your company - Leave the "Person" field blank
  2. For a single person - Select a person for the "Person" field


If You Group By:

  • Month - The table will display data for each month that there was approved billable time for the specified date range. 
  • Projects/Tickets - The table will display data for each project and all tickets that had approved billable time for the specified date range. 


  • Billable Amount = (Average Bill Rate) x (Approved Billable Hours)
  • Profit = (Billable Amount) - (Cost Amount)



Article ID: 3410
Fri 1/30/15 4:10 PM
Tue 10/10/23 4:13 PM