Doing core integrations before TDX Foundations?


Are you working on your core integrations before going over TDX Foundations? It’s great to go ahead and get started early!

First, please check out the general Core Integrations getting started guide.

Then, here are a few common questions from people working on core integrations before going through TDX Foundations:

Q. What is a security role?

Please see this introduction to security roles. You will need to define your security roles. For now, you can create just a couple of security roles; later you'll likely review and refine this list.

Q. Are there default security roles?

Instances do not start out with security roles unless they are pre-loaded by Professional Services.

Q. For testing, how can we create a security role?

See the introduction to security roles for how to create a security role. You may want to create one called “Client” and map it to the “Client” license. This license is the one that end users normally use.

Q. What are all these “HasXXX” (e.g. “HasTDNext”, “HasMyWork”) columns in the people import spreadsheet?

If you are loading user records, these columns are how you select which applications a user should have. You will learn more about applications and security roles in foundations, but for now just know that what a user can do in TeamDynamix is controlled by two things: the applications they have access to, and their security role.