Archived Tickets


This introduction article will help TeamDynamix administrators understand the purpose of archived tickets as well as when to get in touch with TDX support should you need to discuss utilizing this feature. The user must a TeamDynamix Solutions account in order to create a ticket for TDX support.


Archived tickets are tickets that are matched to an archive profile created by a TDX technical support resource and have been moved into a separate archived tickets area of TeamDynamix. They are needed only when your organization has millions of tickets and you have noticed significant performance issues e.g. due to very slow full-text searches.

When would I archive a ticket?

  • Archiving of tickets is used very rarely but would be used in the even that you are experiencing performance issues in your environment because of the volume of tickets that you have.

What is the impact of archiving a ticket?

  • Archived tickets only retain a few pieces of information such as what shows up on the General and Tasks/Activities tabs of a ticket. They will no longer show time & expense records. They will not appear in reports.

Using Archived Tickets

Requesting Archived Tickets

If you believe you would like to discuss archiving tickets, please enter a support request here.

Viewing Archived Tickets

If you need to refer to an archived ticket, they can be seen in Ticketing Applications under Archived Tickets. Technicians can search through archived tickets like a ticket search.

Archive Profile Configuration

For SaaS clients, only TeamDynamix can configure an archive profile. For on-site installations, your TeamDynamix systems administrator account will see an "Archive Profiles" section in TDAdmin under the ticketing application.

Archive profiles set ticket criteria, including how long it's been since they've been closed, what status(es) should match, and other criteria such as service and impact. Tickets must have been closed/cancelled for at least 365 days.

Once a week these archive profiles are evaluated and any tickets that match are archived.