Getting Started with Ticket Surveys


Overview of how to create and modify surveys in TDNext, and how to report on survey results.


This getting started article will help technicians to create and manage ticketing surveys within TDNext. The user must have permission to Access Surveys, Create and Modify Surveys and optionally to Delete Unused Surveys and Survey Questions for a specific Ticketing Application.


Ticket surveys can automatically be sent out to ticket requestors if their ticket matches set criteria after ticket is complete. Unique questions can be created for each new survey or be reused across surveys in the same Ticketing Application.

A ticket survey is often initiated after a ticket closure or can be made publicly accessible as a link to the community.

Where to Find This

This feature appears in the Ticketing application in the TDNext interface.

The ticketing application is where surveys can be created and modified accordingly.

Navigate to Ticket Surveys following this path:

  • TDNext > Application Menu > Select Ticketing Application > Select Blue Gear icon (Upper Right Corner) > Surveys

The ability to report on surveys is available to all individuals with access to the Analysis application as well as individuals with the Security Role permission “Access Surveys” within the ticketing application Security Roles.


Creating a Ticketing Survey

Surveys cannot be marked as Active until they have at least one associated question, so this cannot be done until later.

To create a ticketing survey:

  1. In TDNext, click the Applications menu and select the desired Ticketing Application.
  2. Click the gear icon on the right side of the toolbar.
  3. Select New Survey from the list of actions.
  4. On the New Survey page, enter a meaningful Name for the survey.
  5. Enter an Order value.
  6. Enter the other required fields, using the Help tips for guidance such as the Options & Introduction Message, Closing Message, Already Taken Message, Invalid Request Message.
  7. Click the Save button.


Adding Questions to a Ticketing Survey

You can create new questions for your survey, or you can reuse existing questions that are also asked on other surveys from the Questions Bank.

For improved user experience, it is best to keep your list of questions short. You may want to include an optional free-form text field for people who may have something to say that doesn’t fit the other form fields.

To open a survey and add questions:

  1. In TDNext, click the Applications menu and select the desired Ticketing Application.
  2. Click the gear icon on the right side of the toolbar.
  3. Select Surveys from the list of actions.
  4. On the Surveys page, select the Both option to see Active and Inactive surveys.
  5. Click the Search button.
  6. Click the Name of the desired survey.
  7. Click the Questions tab on the survey details page.
  8. To see questions that have been created in the past, click the Available option on the right side of the toolbar.
  9. To add a new question, click the +New button.
  10. Enter the Name of the Survey, the Header Text and Question Type
  11. After all questions have been added, click the Save button on the Questions tab.


The Survey Question Bank

Questions are stored in a Survey Question Bank, which allows them to be accessed and re-used from any survey in the same application. Questions can be deleted from the bank, and unused questions can easily be identified for cleanup. Users need the Create and modify Surveys permission, and/or the Delete unused Surveys and Survey Questions permission to delete questions.

Activating a Survey

Once the questions are added, you need to activate the survey so it will start sending when relevant tickets are complete.

To activate a survey:

  1. In TDNext, click the Applications menu and select the desired Ticketing Application.
  2. Click the gear icon on the right side of the toolbar.
  3. Select Surveys from the list of actions.
  4. On the Surveys page, select the Both option to see Active and Inactive surveys.
  5. Click the Search button.
  6. Click the Name of the desired survey.
  7. Click the General Options tab on the survey details page.
  8. Check the Is Active checkbox under Options.
  9. Click the Save button.


Defining Criteria to Send Survey

You can choose how often a survey should be sent, the amount of time to wait before sending a survey, how frequently a requestor should receive a survey, and other criteria such as the ticket create date range and ticket status(es). Please note that if no criteria is selected and the Survey is activate, no surveys will go out.

To set the send rules for a survey:

  1. In TDNext, click the Applications menu and select the desired Ticketing Application.
  2. Click the gear icon on the right side of the toolbar.
  3. Select Surveys from the list of actions.
  4. On the Surveys page, select the Both option to see Active and Inactive surveys.
  5. Click the Search button.
  6. Click the Name of the desired survey.
  7. Click the Ticket Requests tab on the survey details page.
  8. Configure the Request Percentage.

    This is the percent of tickets whose criteria match those in the Ticket Profile that will have a survey request automatically generated.

  9. Enter the Waiting Period and Time Between Requests.
  10. Under the Ticket Profile section, configure the criteria a ticket should match to receive this survey when the ticket is closed or cancelled.
  11. Click the Save button.


Setting Up the Email Asking Users to Take the Survey

To configure the format of the survey request email that is delivered:

  1. In TDNext, click the Applications menu and select the desired Ticketing Application.
  2. Click the gear icon on the right side of the toolbar.
  3. Select Surveys from the list of actions.
  4. On the Surveys page, select the Both option to see Active and Inactive surveys.
  5. Click the Search button.
  6. Click the Name of the desired survey.
  7. Click the Request Notification tab on the survey details page.
  8. Follow the instructions on the page.
  9. Click the Save button.


Sending a One-Off Survey Request to a User

It is possible to manually request a survey response for a specific ticket. Manually requested surveys can only be requested for tickets that have a requestor set and a Completed or Cancelled  status.

To request a survey:

  1. On the survey details page, click the Responses tab.
  2. Click the +New Request button.
  3. On the Request Response pop-up, select a Ticket.
  4. Click the Request button.


Viewing Survey Responses

Responses Tab

This page contains the list of complete and incomplete responses for the survey. You could filter the list by complete and incomplete responses, or a date range.

Survey responses that are incomplete can be resent by clicking the Resend Request button.

Survey Response Report

There is a report source for survey responses, and a report using this can be created through Analysis, Projects/Workspaces, or Ticketing Applications. These reports can only be accessed by users with the appropriate application and the Access All Surveys permission.


Best Practices

  • Figure out what the survey goal and process for reviewing the responses before implementing it. You should not collect feedback unless you know the feedback will be used in some way.
  • Decide who should have access to see survey responses. You can control access via security roles.
  • You may want to let respondents know what will be done with their responses and who will be able to see it. You can do this through the Introduction Message under the survey’s General Options.


Gotchas & Pitfalls

  • Surveys can be marked as public, and a link can be used to embed within an HTML button or simple including the link within an email. A public Survey Link will not require the user to sign in to complete the Survey therefore the “Associated Item” such as a ticket will not display in the Survey Response nor will be the person submitting the Survey Response.
  • Automated surveys are not sent to public users; these users must use the public survey link to participate.



Sample IT Survey

  1. The IT department understood my issue. (Configured as a horizontal radio button list w/ order changed to match the below values.)
    1. Strongly agree
    2. Agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
  2. My issue was addressed in a timely manner. (Configured as a horizontal radio button list w/ order changed to match the below values.)
    1. Strongly agree
    2. Agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
  3. The IT department should have resolved my issue. (Configured as a horizontal radio button list w/ order changed to match the below values.)
    1. Strongly agree
    2. Agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
  4. Overall, I am satisfied with the service I received from the IT department. (Configured as a horizontal radio button list w/ order changed to match the below values.)
    1. Strongly agree
    2. Agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
  5. Any other comments? (Configured as a text area.)