TeamDynamix Version 11.9 Server Requirements


Web Server

Number of Servers Required

A web server per environment is the recommended setup. Generally, this will end up being two servers: one for production, and one for a non-production environment (i.e. sandbox/dev/test/whatever your naming convention is). The requirements below apply to each server.

System Requirements

Security and Other Requirements

  • Server Settings
    • RAM: Recommended 16 GB, Minimum 12 GB
    • Minimum Processor Amount & Power: 8 x 2.59 GHz
    • Install IIS WebSockets
      For instructions on how to install the WebSockets Protocol for IIS 8+, see this Microsoft KB.
    • Allow TeamDynamix technical resources remote access to web server and database server from TeamDynamix offices (1 Windows user) – this is required for TeamDynamix application updates. Remote access methods include VPN and Remote Desktop connection ability, only Remote Desktop connection ability, or Webex-type sessions.
    • Give TeamDynamix Windows user rights to change permissions on folders and files on the server.
    • Give TeamDynamix Windows user rights to administrate Windows services.
    • Allow TeamDynamix to install an agent on the Windows server that orchestrates the installation and upgrade of the TeamDynamix software
      • This agent requires user rights to administrate the Windows server. 
      • This agent will call out to the TeamDynamix cloud environment.  You will need to provide the public IP that traffic from this server will appear as for TeamDynamix to allow the traffic.
      • This agent can be disabled outside of scheduled TeamDynamix upgrade windows.
      • TeamDynamix will provide information about deployment agent URLs and port ahead of time when preparing for upgrades.
  • Environment Settings
    • URL to TeamDynamix applications (separate Sandbox and production URL’s)
    • File path to TeamDynamix application files – recommended 20 GB, minimum 10 GB.
    • File path to TeamDynamix storage directory – recommended 100 GB, minimum 20 GB.
    • Mail server IP address or host name (in order for web server to access mail server)
    • Domain name of email server
    • Database server IP address or host name (in order for web server to access database server)
    • Database username and password (in order for TeamDynamix applications to access TeamDynamix database)
    • LDAP Server URL (in order for TeamDynamix to access the LDAP server for Active Directory authentication)
    • The application server must have access out to the internet during TeamDynamix upgrade windows.


Database Server

System Requirements

  • Software
    • Microsoft SQL Server 2019 (x64) CU 16 (build 15.0.4223.1) or higher.
    • Windows x64 OS which supports installation of SQL Server 2019. This should be at least Windows Server 2019
    • Temp DB needs to be stored on a drive that can be easily grown/expanded/resized.
    • TeamDynamix databases - recommended 100 GB, minimum 20 GB
    • Database version needs to support full-text indexing
    • Database version needs to support indexed views

Security and Other Requirements

  • Server Settings
    • RAM: Recommended 16 GB, Minimum 8 GB
    • Minimum Processor Amount & Power: 4 x 2.93 GHz
  • Microsoft SQL Server Settings
    • TeamDynamix database (2019 compatibility mode, Full-text Indexing enabled)
      If the database is not currently set to 2019 compatibility, please change it to 2019 compatibility immediately before starting the 11.5 upgrade!
    • Partition database (2019 compatibility mode)
    • Email database  (2019 compatibility mode)
    • System database  (2019 compatibility mode)
    • TeamDynamix-Sandbox database (for testing) (2019 compatible, Full-text Indexing enabled)
    • Sandbox Partition database (for testing) (2019 compatibility mode)
    • Sandbox Email database (for testing)  (2019 compatibility mode)
    • Sandbox System database (for testing)  (2019 compatibility mode)
    • Two SQL-authenticated users for TeamDynamix applications to use to connect to TeamDynamix databases per environment (sandbox/test vs. production)
      • A database writer user which has the db_owner role for the main TeamDynamix database for the environment.
      • A database reader user which has the db_datareader role, as well as the Grant Execute for the main TeamDynamix database for the environment.
      • A database writer user which has the db_owner role on a new email suite (email sending/monitoring metadata) database for the environment.
      • A database writer user which has the db_owner role on a new system suite (background service metadata) database for the environment.
      • A database writer user which has the db_owner role on a new partition database for the environment, as well as the View Change Tracking permission permissions on all databases for the environment.
    • Allow TeamDynamix technical resources to log in to SQL Server Management Studio v18.1 either using Windows authentication, or a separate username and password for database authentication.
    • Allow TeamDynamix’s database user permission to:
      • Administrate all TeamDynamix databases.
      • Optional – administrate SQL jobs (these can be run by client’s DBA)
    • A backup job is strongly recommended for TeamDynamix databases (this should be created by a client’s technical resource)


Please note that SQL Server replication of any TeamDynamix databases must be disabled prior to upgrade dates. Upgrades will fail if SQL Server replication is enabled for TeamDynamix databases.


Linux Server

Number of Servers Required

A Linux server per environment is required. Generally, this will end up being two servers: one for production, and one for a non-production environment (i.e. sandbox/dev/test/whatever your naming convention is). The requirements below apply to each server.

Please note that a Linux server is required to run Redis. While Redis can run on Windows under Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), it is not officially supported by Redis so it is not supported as part of the TeamDynamix installation.

System Requirements

  • Software and Frameworks
    • Ubuntu Server LTS or similar (with SSH)
    • Redis v6
    • RabbitMQ v3.10

Security and Other Requirements

  • Server Settings
    • RAM: Recommended 8 GB, Minimum 4 GB
    • Minimum Processor Amount & Power: 2 x 2.59 GHz
    • DISK: Recommended 40 GB
  • The Windows server will need to communicate with both Redis and RabbitMQ on this server.


Email Server

System Requirements

  • Software
    • Email server with SMTP compatibility (for email notifications)
    • Optional - Email server with IMAP4 compatibility (for TeamDynamix email client)

Security and Other Requirements

  • Email Server
    • Email Account Setup - this is for the email notifications that are sent from TeamDynamix


User Computers

Supported Client Browser and Operating System Combinations