Creating a Service Desk Information Intent


This Conversational AI How-To article will help organizations configure a CAI Intent to provide basic Service Desk information. The user must have the ability to create and configure an Intent within a CAI Application. 


This article provides information on how to provide basic Service Desk information via an Intent within a TD Bot Application. Service Desk Information could include information such as location, hours, contact information, relevant graphics, and more.

Creating a Service Desk Information Intent

This article assumes that a TD Bot Application has been created already. 

Before following the steps below, ensure that your TD Bot does not already have an Intent for this purpose. This can be done by opening the relevant bot application and selecting Intents along the sidebar.

Navigating to the relevant area

  1. Log in to the CAI Configuration interface
  2. Select Applications along the top of the screen and choose the relevant TD Bot Application.
  3. Along the left-hand side of the TD Bot App configuration screen, select Intents

Adding the Service Desk Information Intent

  1. Select the green Add button along the top of the screen.
  2. Select a Name for your intent. 
    • It is helpful to have a naming convention for custom intents. This will help with searching and modifying intents as your bot grows in complexity over time.
  3. Set Intent Type to Standard.
  4. Add Keywords.
    • These are a list of comma-separated keywords that can be used to help find the intent later.
  5. Add a Description of your Service Desk Information Intent.
  6. Select Say Something or Show Something as the Template. Examples exist below for configuring both templates.
    • Say Something starts the intent flow with a response to the user that includes a simple text string. You will specify what to say.
    • Show something starts the intent flow with a response that shows the user something. You will specify what to say.

Configuring the Say Something Template

  1. After selecting the Say Something template option, enter what the bot should say. This can be configured later in the Intent Flow Designer as well.
    • Examples:
      • "The Service Desk is located at 123 Main Street. We are open Monday through Friday, from 8 AM to 6 PM Eastern."
      • "The Service Desk is open from 8 AM to 6 PM Eastern, Monday-Friday and is located at 123 Main Street."

Add Relevant Utterances


  • Identify how various users might ask for information about the Service Desk. For example, a user might ask, "Where is the Service Desk?" Or "What time is the Service Desk open?"
    • Seek input from others on possible utterances. Others may ask for help in a way that we didn't anticipate.


  1. With the Service Desk intent selected, select "Utterances" on the left hand pane.
  2. Under "Training Utterances" type in a relevant utterance.
  3. Click Add.


  • Where is the service desk?
  • Do we have a service desk?
  • What are the hours for the service desk?
  • What are the hours for the help desk?
  • Location of help desk?
  • Location of service desk?
  • Help desk hours?

These are just a few examples of possible utterances. The article Review and Creating Utterances with Best Practices provides additional context and information regarding utterances.

Bot Training

In the left hand pane, under Train & Publish, select Train Now.

The intent is now ready to be tested and used in your environment.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Advanced Configuration

While the above steps will provide a simple response to the request, it is possible to further customize the response to the user inquiry about the Service Desk.

Intent Design

  1. With the Service Desk intent selected, along hte left hand pane, select "Design"
    • The "Design" area of an intent allows further customization of the chat flow.
  2. In the Design Toolbox along the left hand side, select the Conversation tools.
  3. Drag the "Show" step right below the current "Say" step.
  4. Click on the three dots to the left of the "Say Step" and select Delete.
  5. Select the desired Content Type and use the provided steps below for assistance.

Card Design

  1. Provide a Title, Subtitle, Text, Footer, and Image for the Card.
    • Title: Service Desk Information
    • Subtitle: Location and Hours
    • Text: Technology Center, Monday - Friday 8 am to 5 pm
    • Footer: Closed on major holidays
    • Image: Select desired image
  2. Save Changes
  3. Test in Bot Emulator

Card Example










Custom HTML

  1. Select Custom HTML from the Content Type drop down box
  2. Use the HTML editor box to add formatted text and/or Raw HTML.

HTML Example Code

<div class="alert alert-info">
    <h2 style="text-align:center;">Service Desk Information</h2>
    <h3 style="text-align:center;"><strong>Location</strong></h3>
    <div style="overflow:hidden;max-width:100%;width:250px;height:100px;">
        <div id="my-map-display" style="height:100%;width:100%;max-width:100%;text-align:center;"><iframe style="height:100%;width:100%;border:0;" frameborder="1" src=",+Columbus,+OH,+USA&amp;key=AIzaSyBFw0Qbyq9zTFTd-tUY6dZWTgaQzuU17R8"></iframe></div><a class="our-googlemap-code" href="" id="inject-map-data">InMotion Hosting</a>
        <style>#my-map-display .text-marker{}.map-generator{max-width: 100%; max-height: 100%; background: none;</style>
    <hr />
    <h3 style="text-align:center;"><strong>Hours</strong></h3>
    <p style="text-align:center;">Monday - Friday 8 am to 5 pm</p>
    <p style="text-align:center;"><em>Closed on major holidays</em></p>

HTML Display in Chat



Article ID: 160072
Mon 6/17/24 4:41 PM
Mon 7/1/24 1:32 PM