About the iPaaS 3.0 URL Change - What you Should Know


The standard URL for accessing the iPaaS (and future Conversational AI) products will be changing as a part of 3.0. The existing URL of {region}.ipaas.teamdynamix.com will be changing to {region}{server).teamdynamix.com/tdapp.


Product URL Change Overview

The standard URL for accessing the iPaaS (and future Conversational AI) products will be changing as a part of 3.0. The existing URL of {region}.ipaas.teamdynamix.com will be changing to {region}{server).teamdynamix.com/tdapp. This change is being made to not only make the platform URL less specific to the iPaaS product, but also to allow for longer term visions to be carried out under a unified URL taxonomy. Examples of existing product URLs and updated product URLs may be found below.

Anticipated Areas of Customer Impact

We do not anticipate any day one customer impact. New resources created after the 3.0 launch will do so using the new URL. As an example, a net-new dynamic form URL creation will utilize the new URL after 3.0 is launched. This will be specifically for new link creation, not existing link modification.

Anticipated Areas Without Customer Impact

We do not anticipate day one customer impact for existing resources that utilize the current iPaaS URL (Webhook Triggers, Dynamic Form share links, flow endpoint URLs, OAuth/SAML configuration, etc.)

Existing Product URL Updated Product URL
us.ipaas.teamdynamix.com us1.teamdynamix.com/tdapp
ca.ipaas.teamdynamix.com ca1.teamdynamix.com/tdapp

SAML Authentication Information

After the release of 3.0, SAML login will still work but will be considered in legacy mode so long as the previous URL is actively being referenced (e.g., {region}.ipaas.teamdynamix.com). Legacy mode will not impact on day one the ability to authenticate using SAML methods.

Actions your Organization Should Take

Though there will not be day one impact, it is still recommended that customers update their SAML configurations after the release of 3.0. Steps to accomplish this can be found below:

  1. Set the SAML Callback URL to the appropriate value within your identity provider
    1. US: https://us1.teamdynamix.com/tdapp/SAML/AssertionConsumerService?__cust={OrgShortName} 
    2. Canada: https://ca1.teamdynamix.com/tdapp/SAML/AssertionConsumerService?__cust={OrgShortName} 
    3. To find your {OrgShortName} value in iPaaS, navigate to the top nav bar > Administration > Organization Settings. The shortname is listed on this page.
  2. Set Service Provider Entity ID to the appropriate value within your identity provider
    1. US: https://us1.teamdynamix.com
    2. Canada: https://ca1.teamdynamix.com
  3. Optionally set the SAML SSO Logout URL to the appropriate value within your identity provider
    1. US: https://us1.teamdynamix.com/tdapp/SAML/SingleLogoutService?__cust={OrgShortName}
    2. Canada: https://ca1.teamdynamix.com/tdapp/SAML/SingleLogoutService?__cust={OrgShortName}
    3. To find your {OrgShortName} value in iPaaS, navigate to the top nav bar > Administration > Organization Settings. The shortname is listed on this page.
    4. SAML SLO (Single Logout) is complementary to SSO and lets users log out from the applications they previously logged into using SSO. This configuration is optional, but many organizations prefer to utilize SLO for convenience and security benefits.
  4. Deselect the Use Legacy SSO URL checkbox located: Organizational Settings > Security Tab > SAML

OAuth2 Authentication Information

Similar to SAML, existing OAuth2 call backs should work as expected with the release of 3.0 and subsequent URL change. Existing OAuth2 (Authorization Code work flow) authentication methods in iPaaS will have a RedirectURI field with a value of {{host}}/oauth/generic for example (where {{host}} expands to {region}.ipaas.teamdynamix.com/). Net-new authentication methods will utilize a Redirect URl field with a value of {{tdhost}}/oauth/generic (where {{tdhost}} expands to ​​​{region}{server}.teamdynamix.com/tdapp/).

Actions your Organization Should Take

There are no required actions on day one as the existing OAuth2 callback {{host}} as the referenced macro. For organizations that would prefer to update, a couple of actions may be required in your OAuth2 configuration.

  1. Organizations may need to modify the allowed redirect URl within the respective OAuth2 configuration to the new URL format
    • E.g., replace https://us.ipaas.teamdynamix.com/cust/oauth/MicrosoftGraph with https://us1.teamdynamix.com/tdapp/cust/oauth/MicrosoftGraph
  2. Any new OAuth2 authentication methods will referenced the {{tdhost}} macro in the default RedirectURl field. Accordingly, the configuration should have the appropriate new product URL-based redirect URl registered.

Dynamic Forms Share Links

Existing shared dynamic form links & notification-sent form links will work as expected prior to the URL change, and will be accessible through their respective {region}.ipaas.teamdynamix.com URL without issue. It should be noted that net-new link generations with utilize the updated URL (re-copying the link from the 'associated flows' section of 'form configuration' for example).

Actions your Organization Should Take

Though there will not be day one impact, it is still recommended that customers update existing external links to their Dynamic Forms for end user consistency. To generate a new publicly sharable Dynamic Form simply navigate to your form > Form Configuration > Associated Flows > Link Icon Under 'Flows triggered when this form is submitted'.

Webhook Triggers for Flows

Existing webhook triggers for flows will work as expected prior to the URL change utilizing their existing {region}.ipaas.teamdynamix.com URL without issue. Existing Flow Endpoints available in the webhook configuration screen will no longer be present for copying & pasting.

Actions your Organization Should Take

There is no anticipated day one impact, and therefore no immediate action must be taken. In the future we may consider deprecating the existing {region}.ipaas.teamdynamix.com URL in which case users would need to modify their webhook configurations to point to the updated URL. We do not plan on deprecating the existing {region}.ipaas.teamdynamix.com URL in the next 12 months.

Flow Endpoint URLs 

Existing Flow Endpoint URLs will continue to work as expected against heir respective {region}.ipaas.teamdynamix.com URL. Existing Flow Endpoints available in the Flow Configuration screen will no longer be present for copying & pasting (Open Your Flow > Flow Configuration > API Endpoints).

Actions your Organization Should Take

There is no anticipated day one impact, and therefore no immediate action must be taken. In the future we may consider deprecating the existing {region}.ipaas.teamdynamix.com URL in which case users would need to modify external calls to a Flow's Endpoint to reference the updated URL. We do not plan on deprecating the existing {region}.ipaas.teamdynamix.com URL in the next 12 months.



Article ID: 156714
Fri 1/26/24 4:14 PM
Thu 11/7/24 9:27 PM