Tickets Updated After On Hold / Close Report



This report shows tickets that have been modified after being closed or put on hold.

Where to find this

Access TDNext > Ticketing Application> Desktop, and drill down into the Tickets Updated After On Hold / Close desktop module, or from the main TDNext Desktop drill into the Tickets Updated After On Hold / Close desktop module.

Using the Tickets Updated After On Hold / Close Report

For tickets to show up in this report, they must meet the following two conditions:

  • The ticket is currently in an On Hold or Closed status
  • The ticket modified date is after the closed date or placed on hold date

A ticket responsibility filter can also be added by editing the desktop module settings.  This filter gives the following options:

  • "Me (Primary)" - Filters on tickets for which the current user is responsible.
  • "Me" - Filters on tickets for which the current user is responsible or tickets where the current user is responsible for at least one ticket task.