Using Google Analytics In Your Client Portal


This article highlights steps on how to setup your Google Analytics account.


This article will help Administrators and Application Administrators to configure Google Analytics. The user must have the following settings enabled within the Security Role: Administrator of your TeamDynamix BE or an Application Administrator of the Client Portal Application.


Setting up Google Analytics in TeamDynamix Client Portal application(s) allows you to track site visit clicks and most frequently visited pages within your client portal. Your organization can run reporting and analytics on site visits and clicks using the Google utilities for Universal Analytics.  When setting up the Google Analytics account, you will create a Tracking ID. This will correspond to the value in the Client Portal Settings called  Web Property ID.

How to Configure Google Analytics Tracking

Follow these steps to configure Google Analytics tracking in TeamDynamix:

  1. Navigate to the client portal settings page (TDAdmin > Applications > [Client Portal application] > Settings). 
  2. Enter the Measurement ID provided by Google Analytics in the Measurement ID field.
    1. Follow this Google article to generate a Measurement ID if necessary.
  3. Save.