Ticketing Configuration Tip - The Rule of "Threes"


This article is about covering a few scenarios where different records can be applied to a Ticket in multiple ways in TeamDynamix. 


The rule of "three's" is a way to remember the three different ways certain records can be applied and used throughout Ticketing within TeamDynamix. 


Responsibility can be applied to a ticket in one of the following three ways:

  1. Via an Automation Rule during ticket creation
  2. Via associating it on a Form default and will apply at ticket creation
  3. Manually on a ticket after creation via Actions menu.

Service Level Agreements (SLA)

Service Level Agreements can be applied to a ticket in one of the following three ways:

  1. Via an Automation Rule during ticket creation
  2. Via associating it on a Ticket Type and will apply at ticket creation
  3. Manually on a ticket after creation via Actions menu.

Task Templates

Task Templates can be applied to a ticket in one of the following three ways:

  1. Via an Automation Rule during ticket creation
  2. Via associating it on a Form default and will apply at ticket creation
  3. Manually on a ticket after creation via +Add button or Tasks/Activities tab.


Workflows can be applied to a ticket in one of the following three ways:

  1. Via an Automation Rule during ticket creation
  2. Via associating it on a Service and will apply at ticket creation
  3. Manually on a ticket after creation via Actions menu.