Client Portal Styles Guide


This article will help Client Portal designers to understand the Client Portal Styles menu option within the TDAdmin.


This article will help Client Portal designers to understand the Client Portal Styles menu option within the TDAdmin. The user must have access to TDAdmin.


Each section will show the default Client Portal style settings 1) default (default) and 2) after, with custom coloring applied. The colors chosen are not suggested as a best practice but are used to clearly illustrate the relationship between the style and display configurations.

Page Header

Before (default colors)

TeamDynamix Page Header with default coloring

After (custom colors)

TeamDynamix Page Header with custom coloring

Color Key

TeamDynamix Page Header custom coloring color key


Before (default colors)

TeamDynamix Navigation bar with default coloring

After (custom colors)

TeamDynamix Navigation bar with custom coloring

Color Key

TeamDynamix Navigation custom coloring color key


Before (default colors)

TeamDynamix Headings with default coloring

After (custom colors)

TeamDynamix Headings with custom coloring

Color Key

TeamDynamix Headings with custom coloring color key

Grid Row Highlight, Navigation and Category Items

Before (default colors)

TeamDynamix Grid Row Highlight, Navigation and Category Items with default coloring

After (custom colors)

TeamDynamix Grid Row Highlight, Navigation and Category Items with custom coloring

Color Key

TeamDynamix Grid Row Highlight, Navigation and Category Items with custom coloring color key


Before (default colors)

TeamDynamix Buttons with default coloring

After (custom colors)

TeamDynamix Buttons with custom coloring

Color Key

TeamDynamix auto with custo coloring color key



Article ID: 137046
Thu 8/19/21 6:10 PM
Tue 7/26/22 3:40 PM