How Project Requests are Scored


This introduction article will help project request reviewers/evaluators to understand how the scoring process works in project request scorecards. The user must have the access to Portfolio Planning in TDAdmin to create and configure scorecards.


Scoring aims to mitigate some of the differences between project requests so that they can be compared more accurately on a common scale. In some industries projects are scored on a 100-point scale. In TeamDynamix, the Goals, Risks, and Scorecard/Criteria sections make up the total score. This article describes how each section contributes to the overall score.

A spreadsheet which includes a mock-up scorecard example to highlight how the score is calculated is attached to this article. 

Where to Find This

Scorecards appear in both the TDAdmin and TDNext interfaces, in the Portfolio Planning and Projects apps. They can also appear in TDClient if they are included in the project request form.

  • TDAdmin > Portfolio Planning is where administrators create and configure scorecards.
  • TDNext > Portfolio Planning is where users assigned to evaluate project requests score those requests using scorecards. Note: Scorecards can also be used in projects if this option is enabled.

Navigate to create/edit project request scorecards and scorecard criteria as follows:

  • TDAdmin > Portfolio Planning > Scorecards or Scorecard Criteria

Using Project Request Scores

Goals Calculation

The score contributed to the composite score is a function of the number of goals supported by the project, which produces a number between 0-1, multiplied by the Goals Percent of Value multiplier. The maximum goal score is 1 if the project is aligned with all goals.

The equation to calculate the goals score is as follows:

Goals contribution to composite score = ((Number of Goals Supported / Total Number of Goals) * Percent of Value multiplier)

For example, if there are 4 total goals from which to select and a project aligns with 3 of the 4, the unweighted goals score will be 0.75: 3 / 4 = 0.75. Furthermore, if the % contribution for goals is set to 3000% in TDAdmin, the calculation becomes 0.75 * 3000% = 22.5 for 22.5 points out of a possible 30 points.

Organizational Risks Calculation

The weight added to the composite score by the organizational risks is a function of the summed value of all the risks between 0 and 1, and the Risks Percent of Value multiplier. Each risk entered in the system has choices of N/A, Low, Medium and High. If there is high risk, 0 points are given and if there is no risk or N/A, 1 point is given.

The scoring value of each choice is illustrated here:

N/A = 1
Low = .67
Medium = .33
High = 0

The equation to calculate the risk score is as follows:

Risks contribution to composite score = (Sum of All Selected Choice Weights for All Risks) / (Total Number of Risks) * Percent of Value multiplier

For example, if there are 5 risks in total and 3 are N/A (each equal to 1 point), 1 risk is High (=0), and 1 risk is Medium (=.33) the un-weighted risk score would be 0.67: (1 + 1 + 1 + 0 + 0.33)/5 = 0.67. Furthermore, if the % contribution for goals is set to 3500% in the TeamDynamix Administration tool, the calculation becomes (3.33/5) * 3500% = 23.31 for 23.31 points out of a possible 35 total points.

Scorecard Criteria Calculation

The weight added to the scorecard and composite score by an individual scorecard criterion is a function of the value of the criterion (varies depending on the choice selected for that criterion) and the Percent of Value multiplier. The value of the criterion is multiplied by the % Value to determine the total value contributed to the score. The equation is as follows:

Criterion contribution to composite score = Selected Choice Value * Percent of Value Multiplier

For example, assume a criterion with a % value of 600% and 5 choices with the following values:

Choice N/A = 0
Choice A = 1
Choice B = 2
Choice C = 3
Choice D = 4

If N/A is selected then the value contributed to the scorecard is (0 * 600%) = 0
If A is selected then the value contributed to the scorecard is (1 * 600%) = 6
If B is selected then the value contributed to the scorecard is (2 * 600%) = 12
If C is selected then the value contributed to the scorecard is (3 * 600%) = 18
If D is selected then the value contributed to the scorecard is (4 * 600%) = 24

Composite Score %

The Composite Score % represents the relative position of the request in relation to the total possible score at the time it was scored. The equation is as follows:

Composite Score % = Composite Score / Maximum Possible Composite Score

For example, if there is a total possible score of 100 points and the project has a score of 50 then the composite score % will be 50%. If at some point in the future the scoring is changed so that the max score is 120 the composite score % helps to clarify that when the project request was originally scored it achieved 50% of the possible points, even though with today's model (120 total possible) it would be 42%. It allows for changes to the scoring model, yet still evaluates the relative score of projects scored under a different model. 

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