Service Custom Attributes


This how-to article will help Administrators define custom attributes for services. Custom attributes enable you to capture additional information about your service catalog, which you can then report on.


Administrators can define custom attributes for services. Custom attributes enable you to capture additional information about your service catalog, which you can then report on.

Creating and Managing Custom Service Attributes

Creating a Custom Service Attribute

  1. In Admin, navigate to Applications > Client Portal > Service Catalog > Service Attributes
  2. At the top of the page, click New to create a new attribute. 
  3. Enter an Attribute Name.
  4. Choose an Attribute Type from the dropdown menu.
  5. Enter Header Text, which is how the attribute will appear on reports, and is typically a shortened version of the Attribute Name.
  6. Optionally, set the Sort Order, which determines the order of the custom attributes as they appear on the service.
  7. Optionally, enter a Description/Help for the attribute to explain its purpose and use
  8. Optionally, check the Required box to make the attribute required when creating a new Service.
  9. Check the Active box to make the attribute live.
  10. Optionally, check the Client Visible box to make the attribute visible to Client Portal users. If unchecked, only TDNext users will be able to view the attribute when viewing a service.
  11. At the top of the page, click Save.

Modifying Custom Service Attributes

  1. In Admin, navigate to Applications > Client Portal > Service Catalog > Service Attributes.
  2. Click the name of the attribute you would like to modify.
  3. Make any necessary changes.
  4. At the top of the page, click Save.

Deleting Custom Service Attributes

  1. In Admin, navigate to Applications > Client Portal > Service Catalog > Service Attributes.
  2. To the right of the service custom attribute you would like to delete, click Delete.
  3. At the confirmation box, click OK.

Using Custom Service Attributes

You can view custom service attributes in the Client Portal or TDNext, and can edit them when editing the service in the Client Portal. When creating a new service, custom attributes will appear at the bottom of the New Service page. When editing a service, they are at the bottom of the Settings tab.

Custom service attributes display in the service's Details sidebar on the right side of the page, as shown below: 

Screenshot of a Service's Details panel with custom attributes higlighted