Box Drive Integration Project Instructions

This how-to article will help Administrators to configure an integration with Box using the TDAdmin interface. The user must an Administrator to configure this integration.

Target Audience

This article only applies to on-premise (self-hosted) and vanity URL clients for the Production and Sandbox environments. A vanity URL client is defined as having a TeamDynamix URL under a domain your organization owns, as opposed to a * domain.
If you are a SaaS client with a standard TeamDynamix domain (#2 below), in the format of * (ex:, this article does not apply to you! You are not a vanity domain client. You simply need to alert your TeamDynamix consultant (or support if after implementation) to enable your organizational URL for integration usage before you enable this integration in TDAdmin.
Use the section below to determine if you have a vanity URL.

Do I have a vanity URL?

    Type: Vanity URL
    Reason: This is a vanity URL because this is a domain your organization owns.
    Type: Standard URL
    Reason: This is not a vanity URL because this is a domain TeamDynamix owns.

Does this guide apply to me

  • SaaS (Cloud-Hosted):
    • Vanity URL: Yes
    • Standard URL: No
  • On-Premise (Self-Hosted): Yes

What do I need to do?

  • SaaS (Cloud-Hosted):
    • Vanity URL: 
      Complete the integration setup outlined in this article, then provide the specified information to your TeamDynamix consultant (or support if after implementation).
    • Standard URL: 
      Alert your TeamDynamix consultant (or support if after implementation) to enable your organizational URL for integration usage before you enable this integration in TDAdmin
  • On-Premise (Self-Hosted): 
    Complete the integration setup outlined in this article. Pay special attention to the extra on-premise-only steps.


On-premise (self-hosted) and SaaS vanity URL clients must set up their own Box integration projects to use Box file hosting with TeamDynamix. Use the instructions below to properly configure a Box integration project.

Setting Up Box Integration

  1. To begin, ensure that your organization has a central Box account.
  2. Create an application with Box by visiting
  3. In the application type chooser page, choose Enterprise Integration and click Next.
  4. Choose Standard OAuth 2.0 (User Authentication) as the authentication method and click Next.
  5. Enter an application name and click Create App.
  6. You will be directed to an application created successfully page. Click the View Your App button.
  7. In the left navigation, click General
    1. Ensure that the Contact Email for the application is correct.
    2. Add or modify the list of Collaborators as needed. Collaborators are the users/admins/developers who can edit and modify the integration application itself in the Box developer console.
    3. After making any changes necessary in this tab, click the Save Changes button.
  8. In the left navigation, click Configuration
    1. Ensure that the Authentication Method is still set to Standard OAuth 2.0 (User Authentication).
    2. If there is a Developer Token specified, choose to Revoke it. This is not needed for TeamDynamix usage.
    3. In the OAuth 2.0 Credentials section, take note of the Client ID value. This will be needed later.
    4. Leave any values in the OAuth 2.0 Redirect URI section as-is.
    5. In the Application Scopes section, ensure that the following scopes are checked:
      1. Read all files and folders stored in Box
      2. Read and write all files and folders stored in Box
    6. Leave the Advanced Features and CORS Domains sections unchanged from their defaults.
  9. In TeamDynamix, navigate to TDAdmin > Organization Settings > Briefcase/Attachment Integrations page.
  10. Check the Allow users to add Box files option
  11. Click Save.
  12. If you are a SaaS customer:
    1. Pass the Client ID value noted above to your TeamDynamix contact (likely your implementation consultant or a TeamDynamix support ticket contact) and they will complete the process to enable this for you.

Additional Steps for On-Prem Customers

  1. If you are an on-premise (self-hosted) customer, follow the additional steps below in order complete your Box Drive integration.
    1. Sign into TDAdmin as the system administrator. One of your main TeamDynamix administrators should have access to this credential for changing system-level settings like file integration keys.
    2. Select Organizational Settings > Briefcase/Attachment Integration
    3. Scroll to the Box area of the Custom Integration Keys section. Enter the Client ID value into the Box field for Client ID.
    4. Click Save.


Article ID: 86851
Fri 9/13/19 2:33 PM
Wed 7/27/22 1:54 PM