Source Control Integration Overview

This getting started article will help Admins to set up source control integrations using the TDAdmin interface. The user must have TDAdmin access.


The source control integration allows you to connect GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket or Azure DevOps (formerly Visual Studio Team Services/VSTS) in order to track code changes on tickets, project tasks, cards, or issues in TeamDynamix. Programmers can then enter the ID for a TeamDynamix work item as they commit code, and view the commit records within TeamDynamix.

NOTE: TeamDynamix only supports Git based source control from Azure DevOps. We do not support Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC) with the integration.

Where to Find This

This feature appears in the TDAdmin interface.

Navigate to configure source control integration for each user following this path:

  • TDAdmin > Users & Roles > Users > [select user] > Source Control

Where to Start

Setting Up the Source Control Integration

To set up the source control integration: 

  1. In TDAdmin, follow the instructions to generate a secret key
  2. Configure your source control system to send events to TeamDynamix by following instructions for the application your organization uses: 
  3. Add source control usernames for relevant users in TDAdmin. Each of the four source control systems use this feature slightly differently depending on the details available in their API. Refer to the referenced articles above for details. 
    • In TDAdmin, navigate to Users & Roles > Users
    • Open the user in question
    • Click Source Control in the left navigation. 
    • Click +Add to add a new username. 
    • Enter the user's source control username (this is the username they log in to the source control system, if it is different from their email address that is logged in TeamDynamix). 
    • Click Save

Configuring External Integrations with Secret Keys

Secret keys are needed for some external integrations to perform specialized actions with TeamDynamix. Secret Keys are currently used for the integrations listed in the Setting Up the Source Control Integration section above.

To generate a secret key: 

  1. In TDAmin, navigate to Organization Settings > Secret Keys.
  2. Click +Add
  3. Enter a Name for your secret key. This name will help you distinguish between multiple secret keys, so it should generally be named for the tool you intend to integrate to.
  4. Click Save.

Once you've named and saved your secret key, the actual GUID key will generate/appear on the Organization Settings > Secret Keys page. This value is what your integrations will utilize.

Using the Source Control Integration

Once the source control integration is set up, developers can link code commits to relevant work items in TeamDynamix. When they commit or comment on an existing commit, they should include the item type and the item ID in their commit message.

There are buttons throughout TDNext that will automatically copy the item type and ID. Click the item type, and the item type and ID will be copied to the clipboard.

On customized ticket classifications, the source control integration will not be able to detect the type, and technicians should instead use "Ticket" plus the ticket's ID. 

After an event is triggered in the source control system it will send a request to TeamDynamix, which will be recorded for further processing. Requests are processed approximately every 15 minutes. Once the request is processed, it will appear on the Code tab of the item that it was triggered against. 

The Code tab will show the Event, User, Message, Created Date, Repository and Branch for the commit that is made.

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