Enabling Conversational AI in TeamDynamix Work Management

This how-to article will help TeamDynamix administrators to set up the integration to Conversational AI in TDAdmin. The user must have access to TDAdmin. 


The TeamDynamix Conversational AI integration allows adding a chatbot to the client portal and displaying the live chat widget to relevant users in TDNext. 

You can enable this integration in TDAdmin.

Step 1A: Setting up Your CAI Service Account

Before you can set up the integration in TDAdmin, you will need to create a service account in Conversational AI. If you have already created a service account in Conversational AI, you can skip to step 1B.

If you have a previous iPaaS integration service account you will need to update it to support CAI. Otherwise you will need to create a new service account. Read our article about creating a service account for instructions on updating or creating a service account. and come back to this article with the Account ID and Primary Secret.

Step 1B: Specifying the Allowed Hosts in 'Client Configuration'

In order to ensure your TDBot(s) can show up on client portals of your choosing, you will also need to add to the 'allowed hosts' field at the bottom of (within CAI) Bot Configuration > Client Configuration > Allowed Hosts. To allow your bot(s) to be hosted in TDClient you only need to include the domain for your TeamDynamix instance. This will look something like {yourorg}.teamdynamix.com if you do not have a vanity URL. For organizations that do have a vanity URL this URL will be unique to your organization. You will ultimately need to enter your vanity URL for accessing TDX (not including the URL slug).

Step 2: Set Up the TDX Enterprise Integration in TDAdmin

  1. In TDAdmin, navigate to Organization Settings > TeamDynamix Automation Settings > Integration Settings.
  2. In the Customer ID field, enter the Account ID from the service account in CAI.
  3. In the Secret field, enter the Primary Secret from the service account in CAI. 
  4. Click Save to validate the connection between TDAdmin and CAI.

Step 3A: Add chatbots to client portal applications

This step can be done as a full TeamDynamix administrator or as a client portal application administrator. Full administrators can manage chatbots for multiple applications at once. 

As a full administrator: 

  1.  In TDAdmin, navigate to Organization Settings > TeamDynamix Automation Settings > Conversational AI Settings
  2. In the list of client portal applications, select the appropriate chatbot for each application. 
  3. At the top of the page, click Save.

As an application administrator: 

  1. In TDAdmin, navigate to Applications > [Client Portal Application] > Settings. 
  2. In the TeamDynamix Conversational AI section, select the chatbot to be used for this application. 
  3. At the top of the page, click Save

The selected chatbot will now be enabled in the selected client portals.

Step 3B: Adding the Live Chat widget for technicians

After Step 2 is complete, the display of the live chat widget is controlled on a per security role basis using the View TeamDynamix Conversational AI Live Chat permission. Users with this permission will see the live chat widget as long as the integration settings remain valid. 

Follow these steps to add the permission to relevant security roles: 

  1. Navigate to TDAdmin > Users and Roles > Security Roles > [Security Role]
  2. Enable the View TeamDynamix Conversational AI Live Chat permission.
  3. Save. Users with this role will need to log out and log back in for the changes to take effect. 
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Article ID: 156663
Thu 1/25/24 10:34 AM
Thu 2/29/24 10:06 AM