Bot Configuration


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The General tab provides foundational control over your chat bot. As far as chat bot development goes, you only need to worry about the following fields and buttons:

  • Bot Name: The primary identification of the bot, currently labeled in the example as "Test Bot."
  • Description: A brief overview or summary of the bot's function or purpose. This hasn't been provided in the data.
  • Restore Defaults: If you would like to reset the entire bot to its original, "factory reset" state, this button clears all settings. Warning: this button can be dangerous! Make sure you only use it if you're certain you will not lose anything you want to keep.
    The following happens on reset:
    • Default system intents are created if they do not exists and updated if they do. Note that this could affect all Chatbots in this Chatbot Application.
    • The default system intents are assigned to this Chatbot.
    • If a web bot channel does not exist for this Chatbot, it is created.
    • Interrupt Words is restored to the default list of works.
    • Intent matching thresholds are restored to their default values.
    • This Chatbot is set to include all Intents defined in the Chatbot Application.
  • Support Multiple Bots

Here are the other fields and their descriptions. These are either immutable (unchangeable) or less relevant to bot development than the previous functions.

  • Short Name: A more concise identifier, often used in situations where display space is limited.
  • Owner: Indicates the individual or entity responsible for the bot, though this information wasn't provided.
  • Application Id: A unique number, "88" in this case, that helps identify the bot application within a system.
  • Application PId: A more specific alphanumeric identifier for the application, listed as "318c00f8-1181-414e-9ea3-ebbe73cbb340."
  • TD Bot Id: Another unique numeric identifier, given as "35."
  • Bot PId: An additional alphanumeric identifier, "a158ad27-1278-4cff-9aee-ab0f8ed4c9cc."


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Sharing allows users to grant others full access to a bot's design and execution features, excluding modifications to sharing information.

To add more new users, click the Share Application button. This modal will appear.

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  • Shared With: This list displays all users with whom the bot has been shared..
  • Rights: Rights are the permissions that will be given to a new user. There are three modes:
    • View Only
      • The new user will be able to view the chat bot.
    • Edit
      • The new user will be able to modify the chat bot.
    • Full
      • The new user will have full access to the chat bot and add new users.
  • Add User: The Add User field allows you to search for the email or username of the user you want to share the bot with.
  • Add User Group: Adds the new user to a permission group.


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Channels define the platforms, like web, Microsoft Teams, or Slack, through which users interact with the bot. It will always default to "Web Client".

To modify the Channels the bot has access to, start by clicking Add New Channel. A modal will appear.

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  • Channel: Here, you may choose the new channel you wish to add the chat bot to.

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    Currently, the supported channels on iPaaS are
    • Email
    • Facebook
    • Slack
    • Microsoft Teams
    • Web Client
    • SMS
    • Web (AzureBot)
  • Name: The name of the new channel. This can be whatever you'd like.
  • Active: Enables or disables the channel.
  • Secret: The Secret Key of the channel. This is used when one of the channels asks for a Secret Key, as it acts as the link between iPaaS and the channel provider.
  • Limits
    • IP Address Range: A comma-delimited list of the IP addresses allowed to access the new channel.
    • Effective Time: A date and time that, when passed, enables the bot. If you were to put this in the future, the new channel would not activate until then.
    • Expiration Time: A date and time that, when passed, disables the bot.
    • Rate Limit Interval: The time interval for rate limiting on each flow.
    • Rate Limit Count: The maximum times an IP can connect to the channel before being blocked for as long as the Rate Limit Interval has set.
    • Use Default: Un-check this option to change the default options.

​​To finish, click Save Changes.

Included Intents

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By default, a chat bot encompasses all defined Intents, but users can customize which specific Intents are active by making selections by unchecking the Include All Intents button.

Note: The Included Intents are built to improve the overall user experience of the chat bot. Do not uncheck this box unless you know what you are doing.

Once unchecked, a menu will appear.

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Here, you can select intents to re-include on the right by clicking the check box next to their name and then clicking the single arrow button pointing to the right. To move them back, select them on the left and click the single arrow button pointing to the right.

To add or remove all intents, use the double arrow buttons.

Intent Selection and System Intents

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This feature controls how the chat bot matches user prompts to specific intents and then determines which intents activate during particular system events.

  • Minimum Intent Match Confidence:
  • Poor Intent Match Threshold:
  • Multiple Intent Match Cutoff

After these three fields, you will see six Intents at the bottom. These fields simply let you disable some of the default Intents that come out of the box by default.

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Interrupt Words: These are special words that, when sent by a user to the chat bot, resets the conversation back to the start. To add more, click the field, type it in, and hit Enter on your keyboard.
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Client Configuration

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Client Configuration controls the appearance of the chat bot window.

  • Border:
    • Color: Customize the border color to match design preferences.
    • Width: Changes the width of the border. The default width is set to 1.0.
    • Radius: "Radius" is short for "border radius", which simply explained means how round the corners of the border will be. The default Radius value is 6.0, which will make the corners slightly round. Set to 0 if you want square corners.
  • Colors:
    • Button Text: Color of button text.
    • Button Background: Background color of the button.
    • Conversation Background: Color for the conversation area.
    • Chatbot Utterances: Background for chatbot's responses.
    • User Utterances: Background for user's messages.
  • Other:
    • Initial Presentation: This will determine if the bot is open or closed on page load. Default set to "Minimized"
    • Welcome Message: This will determine the first message that the user will see before the conversation starts. Think of it as a sort of introductory message. It defaults to "Hello! I am a Chatbot. What can I do for you today?"
    • Minimized Offset: Position of minimized chatbot. This will default in the bottom right corner.
    • Minimized Size: This option determines how large the window will be when minimized. Set to "36px by 36px".
    • Minimized Icon: The image for the icon for the minimized chatbot.
    • Allowed Hosts: Domains allowed to host the chatbot.
    • Convo Font Size: Default size of chat text.
    • Start Conversation on Initialization: Auto-start chatbot conversation.

Live Chat Schedule

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The Live Chat Schedule provides a structured timetable that defines when live chat support is available to users. By clearly communicating these hours, users can know the best times to seek real-time assistance and have immediate interactions with representatives. This schedule ensures that both the support team and users have aligned expectations, optimizing the support experience and ensuring timely responses.

To set your chat bot's live agent schedule, select one of the input fields to the right of a day. On the left column, you will see the title "Open", and on the right column, you will see "Close". Manipulating these fields will let you inclusively set the range of the activity of your live agent schedule. If you want to add an exception to the inclusive rules (i.e., the bot is open from 9am to 5pm, except from 12pm to 1pm for lunch), click the + button to the right to create another range.

If you'd like to add an Exception day (like for holidays), click the "Add" button at the bottom, and then change the date by clicking the new entry.

Data Retention

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Data retention refers to the policies and practices organizations implement to manage the storage duration, integrity, and disposal of collected data. By establishing clear data retention guidelines, you can ensure that you maintain essential information for as long as necessary while also addressing privacy concerns and regulatory compliance. Proper data retention practices protect both the organization and its stakeholders from potential risks related to data breaches or losses.

All of the options here have given default values. After the amount of time set inside of the input fields has passed, the data from that category will be deleted and you will no longer have access to it.

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Article ID: 154366
Tue 9/19/23 10:06 AM
Mon 2/5/24 8:25 AM