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Salesforce Integration

Hello all!,
I was told to look into some kind of intergration between TDX and Salesforce. Can someone please tell me what is capable if this integration exist?
1 Answer
Michael Rodriguez Last activity on 3/20/2024 1:57:00 PM by Mark Sayers

OneDrive Integration

Hi All,
I have been asked to look into OneDrive integration for attachments. I currently receive this message when I try to add a file.

Based on the first image it looks like we need to do something on our end. However, I also...
1 Answer
Michael Rodriguez Last activity on 3/4/2024 9:37:02 AM by Michael Rodriguez

Add event tickets to an event calendar

We set up a ticket type for Event setup requests. Will usually have an event date, event start time, event end time, and what resources they would need from us (data projector, wireless mics, speakers, etc)
Could I get your suggestion...
1 Answer
Jimmy Luong Last activity on 10/19/2023 9:22:42 AM by Mark Sayers