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Workspace Rule based on Workflow Step

Is it possible to only add a ticket to a workspace after a certain step is done in the workflow that is associated with that ticket? For example, once the approvals are completed within the ticket I would like the ticket to be added to the worksp...
1 Answer
Nick Christiansen Last activity on 2/13/2024 9:57:22 AM by Brittany Renn

Is there a way to disable web service/API workflow steps from writing to TDNext feed?

Hello -
When creating steps within the Workflow Builder, there isn't any way to indicate whether to include step in TDNext feed - it defaults to include. This is an issue if your workflow has automation of sorts built in that results in many,...
1 Answer
Christy Geesey Last activity on 12/4/2023 11:28:39 AM by Mark Sayers