
forms Clear Tag Filter

Assets/CIs Search Behavior

I had previously set up a form to filter only one type of configuration item. The custom form renamed the Asset/CI field to What System?
The configuration item is Application. The filter is set to allow Applications only.
Now, the search...
1 Answer
Steve Cade Last activity on 6/12/2024 10:53:53 AM by Mark Sayers

Edit Standard Field Setting

We recently went in and created ~120 forms using a template form. I only just realized that a couple of the fields in the template form had custom help text assigned to them. These fields are standard fields in TDX such as Acct/Dept an...
1 Answer
Riley Fay Last activity on 4/3/2024 10:57:54 AM by Brittany Renn

Copying Forms Question

I am trying to copy a specific form in TDAdmin and only certain forms are showing up in the list that I can copy from. Is there a setting that I'm missing? I've attached an image with the highlighted form in the background being the on...
1 Answer
Riley Fay Last activity on 3/13/2024 12:35:13 PM by Riley Fay

Forms vs. Templates

We are looking at a way to make manual ticket creation a bit more streamlined. We're trying to decide whether it's better to use the template feature or the forms feature. Currently, we have about 200 ticket types that we use. Some of ...
1 Answer
Riley Fay Last activity on 3/5/2024 1:53:50 PM by Mark Sayers

Cannot delete forms

We inherited the TDX instance that we have now. We have managed to delete all the tickets and services created by the previous department. However, there are some forms that I cannot figure out how to delete. See below. I cannot seem to f...
1 Answer
Michael Rodriguez Last activity on 11/21/2023 9:49:07 AM by Mark Sayers

Department read-only default value

Wondering if anyone know how to add a default value to department and if it can be made ready-only in forms. I am thinking of making a college name static value for departments on all forms.
1 Answer
Michael Rodriguez Last activity on 10/12/2023 1:08:16 PM by Brittany Renn

Multiple department fields on a form?

Hi there. Is it possible to have multiple department attribute fields on a form? I tried adding a new field but there was no department field type available. There is only the one generic department field that is on every form. I have a customer ...
1 Answer
John Allen Last activity on 9/7/2023 4:37:05 PM by Mark Sayers

Using Custom Forms on Client Portal

We are in the process of building out our Service Catalog and are creating custom forms in TDAdmin to assist under TDAdmin > Applications > Tickets > Forms. However, when working in the Service Catalog, I don't see all of the ...
1 Answer
Riley Fay Last activity on 8/14/2023 9:06:05 AM by Mark Sayers

Select Multiple CI's

We have a few forms that will require selecting multiple CI's (I.E. Submitting Audit Findings that affect multiple VM's) and can't seem to find a way to associate a Ticket with Multiple CI's. I don't see a way to make this a 1 to...
3 Answers
Rik Miller Last activity on 9/8/2023 7:26:04 PM by Rik Miller

Images on ticket forms

Is there a way for me to add images to a ticket form?
2 Answers
Mariah Rible Last activity on 12/4/2023 2:16:55 PM by Sarah Glatz

Attributes not used on a Form

Is there a way to see which attributes are currently not in use on any forms other than clicking on Form Usage for each Attribute in Admin?
1 Answer
Erin Tramble Last activity on 10/25/2022 12:57:37 PM by Mark Sayers