TeamDynamix Mobile App

Good Morning, I am trying to setup the mobile app for Team Dynamix but in the instructions it states to 

  1. Open the Downloads application and select TeamDynamix Mobile. 
  2. Use the mobile device's camera to scan the Register the Mobile App QR Code. The Mobile App will open and automatically register to this TeamDynamix environment. 

But unfortunately I am not able to locate the TeamDynamix mobile section under the downloads section in TDNext.

any help is greatly appreciated.


Asked by Ryan Turner on Wed 5/15/24 10:29 AM Last edited Wed 5/15/24 10:29 AM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Wed 5/15/24 10:45 AM

Hello Ryan,

Unfortunately the Mobile app is not currently open to our full client base for usage just yet.

There will be a formal announcement sent out when the app has been officially opened for all to use, but we appreciate the enthusiasm to get started on it.

I do not currently have an expected ETA other than what was mentioned at Converge about targeting a Q2 or early Q3 release time.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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