Warn of ticket assignment when technician Away/Sick/Etc.

We're trying to find a way to manage our planned and unplanned absenteeism to make sure that urgent tickets don't get assigned to someone who's unavailable.

It appears this is handled quite while within PM, but I can't see to find a way to have something in place for general ticketing applications. We're only concerned with manually assigned tickets currently - not automated ticket assignments.

Is there a way to record time off in TDx and have it pop a warning if you're assigning a ticket that day?

Thanks in advance,


Tags ticket absence
Asked by Jason Clark on Wed 2/9/22 1:43 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Wed 2/9/22 3:13 PM

Hello Jason,

You can record your time off in TDX, but unfortunately the system doesn't check against time off records when assigning items like tickets to resources. You would almost have to deactivate their account during their day(s) off to fully prevent them from being assigned to tickets/work items.

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