Mixed environment for technicians supporting the same customers

What's the best approach for this situation:
Common customers where some support personnel are in the organization and setup a technicians in TDX and others, who support the same customers, are not technicians in TDX.  For example: 3 technicians are in TDX but there are another 3 support personnel who are not part of of the main organization but still support customers. Is there a best practice for setting up access in this scenario since we don't want the 3 outside of the organization to have technician access to all tickets in the application, just those in that specific area.

Asked by Robert Kelly on Tue 2/8/22 11:23 AM
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Mark Sayers Tue 2/8/22 11:53 AM

Hello Robert,

Unfortunately it is not possible to grant someone access to a ticketing app while restricting their access to the tickets in that app.

Having access to TDnext + a ticket app means the user can inherently access all tickets in the app in question. If there is enough of a need for segmentation of this work it might be worth setting up their own ticketing application for just their tickets to route through.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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